CSR and Sustainability

CSR and Sustainability

CSR Activities

What Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a broad business concept. It usually describes a company’s commitment to carry out their business in an ethical way. It means managing their business processes while taking account of their social, economic, and environmental impact and considering human rights.
Companies are expected to not only pursue their profits but also to take responsibility for their social impact.

Our Approach to CSR

Ohsato is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and is actively engaged in various CSR initiatives. Below are some examples of the CSR activities Osato participates in:

1. Enhancing Society Through Business
・We proactively recruit individuals over the age of 60.
・We foster the independence and social engagement of people with disabilities through external collaboration and co-creation.
・In partnership with Juvenile Prisons, we provide support for rehabilitation and societal reintegration.

2. Fostering a Supportive Work Environment
・We strive to create a workplace where employees feel comfortable.
・For the past decade, 100% of our female employees have resumed work post-maternity leave.
・Since 2018, paternity leave has been fully implemented, with all male employees availing of it since its inception.

About Sustainability

Sustainability Awareness and Management Practices at Ohsato

“Sustainability” is a term derived from “sustain” and “ability,” which literally means the capacity to endure. It is founded on the principle of developing the environment and society in the most harmonious balance. The primary goal of sustainability is to ensure resources are available for the current generation without jeopardizing the prospects of future generations. Our objective is to address social issues. Although we may not accomplish this immediately, by taking incremental steps and continually revising our approach, we contribute to the creation of a better society.

【Sustainability Initiatives in the Workplace】At Ohsato, we are committed to providing all employees, including part-time workers, with a comfortable work environment. We endeavor to eliminate all forms of harassment and eradicate gender discrimination within our organization.